How I Work
Each client is a unique and complex human being that has a right to be happy, healthy and joyful. In a very gentle, warm, supportive and compassionate environment, I take into account your unique way of learning, processing and level of comfort as we work together through your struggles to meet your goals.
The BODY-MIND-HEART-SPIRIT Approach addresses the causes, not just the symptoms.
The Body-Mind-Spirit-Heart Approach is a combination of a number of different theoretical approaches to help create healing at all levels of your being. Each system is part of your whole being and therefore important for your growth.

The butterfly will be crippled if deprived of the struggle out of the cocoon.
Following are some of the symptoms that can exist in the 4 different systems that can block your growth and prevent you from living a fulfilled life.
Body: shaky, frozen, restless, numb, sweaty, fuzzy, dizzy, weak, breathless
Mind: false beliefs, judgments, blame, doubt, worry, negative thoughts, images
Heart: fear, anger, hurt, anxiety, loneliness, shame, feeling overwhelmed
Spirit: separate, alone, lack of meaning and purpose, empty
We work together to create a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be – between old beliefs and new beliefs to help you feel more empowered. Helping you through your difficulties to create new experiences. Releasing old painful hurts and gently moving through blocks, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and into a more empowering and richer life that’s more in alignment with your true nature.
Some tasks you can expect to work with:
- Identify the challenges that stop you from achieving your goals
- Set up small experiments to try out new behaviours
- Develop your awareness of what is operating in your body, mind and heart
- Psychoeducation
- Gently move through blocks
- Access your natural gifts and resources that you may not be aware you have
- Invite good things to come into your life
- Explore your fears of success and working towards achieving your dreams
- Identify your beliefs that run your life
- Accept your own imperfections that cause you inner conflict
- Learn new skills and put them into action that support your goals
- Trust your own inner wisdom to guide you through life.
- Heal and integrate the past at all levels to help you move forward
- Move from victim mentality to self empowerment
- Learn to connect and expand your awareness in an instant.
- Develop awareness of the connection between the words you use and your beliefs.
Trauma treatment
Resilience is a natural state of being – trauma overwhelms and reduces the ability to be resilient. We have all experienced some kind of trauma in our lives. I believe that how we view ourselves and the world is a result of our past experiences. Often these experiences leave us with scars and wounds and false beliefs that are outside of our awareness and can lead us to keep repeating unwanted patterns.
Our experiences are stored in our bodies, minds and emotions. Triggers in the present can bring up pain from the past. As we work together your awareness of unhealthy patterns will become apparent to you to choose to change them and begin to live more fully in the present.
Developing your own inner resources is a major component of working with trauma. Resources are like driving a car and knowing you can apply your brakes anytime and steer the car towards whatever direction you choose. This will help you feel in control of yourself as you gently dip in your toe in the unknown waters and not get overwhelmed.
Working with trauma is a very gentle process and you do not need to tell me what happened. We can work with the presenting symptoms to give you relief and become more resilient and confident within yourself. I can gently guide you through the difficult challenges you will face as you work through your trauma in your own time. My guidance will be enlightened, wise and reassuring since I healed my own trauma and have many years experience working with trauma clients.
The more success you experience the more confidence you will have in working through your pain. The more you do this the more of you will be integrated into your whole being. With each stage and each little success, we will step back and evaluate what its like to experience yourself in different ways.
Recovering from trauma is a process that empowers you. Through acceptance, forgiveness, surrender and release of old wounds, alignment and integration into wholeness occurs bringing more balance into your life. Ultimately you will feel more empowered and become a master of your own life.Deep insight and joyful freedom opens the way to boundless possibilities.
Couple Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy is my preferred approach to couples work as it is effective and based on our basic attachment needs for protection safety and closeness.
Establishing a common goal will help us to map out the therapy tasks. Some couples come to therapy as a last resort.
Creating a safe space is important for each partner to feel comfortable at communicating how they are experiencing the relationship and how they are affected.
My role is to help you heal broken bonds and helping create more security in your relationship. Together we explore and understand your current relationship by identifying negative interactional patterns.
Patterns take a life of their own that define the relationship taking over all the aspects of the relationship. These patterns are often compelling, tense, negative, rigid and repetitive.
We work to recreate new relationship enhancing patterns reprocess and reorganize emotions to create new experiences and new emotional responses that fosters growth, equality, accessibility and trust.