How to Stop Worrying about the Past & Future and Live in the Present

    The brain naturally defaults to negative brain activity and worry mode through the imagination either from past experiences or perceived future events. When people’s thinking drifts constantly to the past and the future, the mental, emotional and physical suffering intensifies that lead to stress, anxiety and depression. We develop thought patterns when we … Read more

Understanding Your Anger and Its Gift to You

Anger is a hard wired emotion in our brain and is part of the fight or flight basic response to potential threat. It’s a signal experienced as emotional energy in the body that lets us know something is not right. It creates a boundary between us and the perceived threat. This threat can be anything … Read more

Seven Keys to Meeting Your Emotional Needs

For a child to thrive and grow healthy and emotionally, they need to have secure attachments to their parent/s or caregiver. The emotional needs of the child must be met with presence of mind and in a loving way that makes the child feel safe and secure in the world. In a perfect world, a parent sees the … Read more