12 Keys to a Successful Relationship
1. Make friendship your number one priority. When you choose friendship with each other it’s easier to navigate through the tough times in your relationship. Get to know each other’s likes dislikes, wishes, dreams, hopes, values. Make a conscious decision to focus on the good qualities of your partner as this will grow your intimacy.
2. View challenges life brings from your wise self. Relationships like individuals go through different stages and challenges that two people must overcome to stay… Continue reading
Reaction vs. Response: How to train your brain to respond and not react
Reactivity is a basic primitive impulse set off by the lower automatic brain to activate the defending and attacking system. Its purpose is for self-preservation and self-protection set off by the Amygdala in responds to threat. The Amygdala is a kind of “alarm bell” that responds to negative stimuli.
When we are triggered, our physiological automatic reaction is set off even before our mind registers we are are reacting. At this point our pre-frontal cortex becomes disengaged. The pre-frontal cortex… Continue reading
Love Relationships: How Our Expectations Can Destroy Our Happiness
Love Relationships: How our expectations can destroy our happinessRelationships can be both painful and fulfilling. We all want to be loved, nurtured and cared for. The most rewarding feeling is the connection we make when we bond deeply with the love of our life. The longer we are in a relationship,
we discover more differences surface and the connection we once experienced fluctuates.Without realizing, we set ourselves up for failure when we place expectations on ourselves, others and… Continue reading
Welcome to our blog
My website has finally gone live after many months of working on it. It has not being an easy process, I have had to learn a lot of new things the hard way. I am still learning about the different social media and hope to understand the process as I use it. It’s very satisfying that all the hard work has finally paid off. Please look around the website, and if you wish, you may let… Continue reading